The fight against SIBO:

A story about regaining health and energy


A few years ago, SIBO was a completely unknown concept to me, until I was affected myself, says Hans Fischer, associate professor in microbiology at Lund University.

During an extremely stressful time as a single parent with a young child and a demanding job building an advanced microbiology research laboratory, Hans suddenly experienced crippling fatigue, a pounding headache, heart palpitations and a sudden inability to tolerate food. Cheese, eggs, bread, fish, and dairy products suddenly gave him heart palpitations and his stomach swelled up and became sore between meals. His brother who is a doctor asked why Hans always kept his hand on his stomach, much like Napoleon did.

Hans went to his general practitioner, who found that he had very high blood pressure, a fast pulse and that he also had glaucoma (high pressure in the eyes). He went home with two blood pressure medications, a heart calming medication, and was booked in for regular eye checks.

Hans with his son.

Despite the medicine, the problems got worse

His stomach problems just continued and he basically could only eat red meat and rice. Sleepless nights and chronic abdominal pain caused a low mood that affected the whole everyday life.

- I felt that I did not function either in the lab or at home with my son. I basically couldn't tolerate anything, he says.

In the end, Hans consulted a naturopathic doctor for the stomach pains and was given a jar of powder from the bark of the Jatoba tree which he was to take for two weeks. After that, he experienced some improvement in his stomach but still had chronic headaches, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

Hans had regularly analyzed his intestinal flora and found that his intestinal flora contained 50% of the intestinal bacteria Prevotella copri. Analyzes of intestinal flora after the Jatoba cure showed that the Prevotella copri bacteria went from 50% to 0%, where had these bacteria been located? Hans reasoned that this bacteria might have been sitting in the small intestine and that it appeared that the Jatoba effect was antimicrobial.

When Hans searched the scientific literature, the term SIBO appeared, so-called overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

- When I started reading about SIBO, the researcher in me started to wake up and I decided to produce a powerful preparation to reduce bacteria in the small intestine without affecting the bacteria in the large intestine, says Hans.

Hans Fischer analyzes samples in the Gutfeeling Labs laboratory.

Herbs with antimicrobial properties had an effect

His naturopath, who had a large collection of botanicals (herbs, barks, roots, etc) sent him about fifty of these to the lab. After systematically testing the antimicrobial properties of these botanicals on different bacteria, Hans found a combination that was optimally antimicrobial against intestinal bacteria. It turned out that the combination of three botanical components not only had an effect on intestinal bacteria but also on the ulcer bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the fungus Candida, and the most common intestinal parasites Dientamoeba fragilis and Blastocystis hominis.

- I tested the product on myself and experienced an improvement in my stomach problems after three days, but the particularly interesting thing was that I started to tolerate food again, says Hans.

Hans tried eating cheese and experienced no problems whatsoever. After 20 days of using the product, he discovered that he felt dizzy when he stood up from a sitting position and then consulted his doctor.

- The blood pressure measurement showed that I had very low blood pressure and a very low heart rate, so all treatment with the two blood pressure medications and heart-stopping medication was terminated. “I have been completely medication-free after taking my own product, I sleep excellently and have energy both at work and at home,” he says.

SIBO - overgrowth of intestinal bacteria in the small intestine

The product was named GutClear® and has now been used by almost 10,000 people, with a positive response.

- I think of all those people who have had similar problems to me and who at home have tried and experimented with different herbs, probiotics and nutritional supplements without success. I was lucky to have a laboratory to experiment in. I didn't just want to help myself, but as many people as possible with the same problem, says Hans.

Many chronic diseases could be caused by SIBO (a condition often induced by chronic stress and anxiety) and research has shown that up to 40% of healthy people carry too many bacteria in the small intestine. So far, no one has investigated whether healthy people with SIBO develop health problems later on in life.

- Just as we brush away bacteria in the mouth regularly to avoid gingivitis, we may occasionally need to clean the small intestine of unwelcome bacteria, says Hans.

GutClear® - a SIBO supplement

GutClear® – Dietary Supplement for SIBO – Gutfeeling Labs

GutClear® is a patented, plant-based supplement for SIBO, designed to reduce bacterial overgrowth and Candida without harming beneficial gut flora

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