GutClear™ - reboot your gut

GutClear™ is a patented, botanical SIBO supplement for normal gut function.

It is designed to reduce intestinal bacterial overgrowth and the fungus Candida in the small intestine without affecting the beneficial intestinal flora in the colon. 
GutClear™ consists of different botanicals such as psyllium seeds, bark from magnolia and jatoba and rose root. The magnolia bark may support normal gut function, and regular bowel movements and has antimicrobial properties. Psyllium seeds may support normal gut function, bowel movement, and digestion.

GutClear™ is available as a capsule and as a powder
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GutClear™ - a SIBO supplement

GutClear™ is a SIBO supplement consisting of jatoba, magnolia tree bark, rose root, and psyllium seeds.
An upset stomach can be due to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, a condition known as SIBO. GutClear™ contains magnolia tree bark which may help reduce bacteria in the small intestine and support gut function.

Dietary fiber can increase your discomfort

Common stomach complaints include a bloated stomach, tenderness, nausea, gas, constipation, heartburn, and diarrhea. If you have some of these, you have probably tried various diets and nutritional supplements.
If you have not experienced any effect, this may be due to SIBO, which may be caused by chronic stress, among other things. Suppose you try a diet with an increased intake of dietary fibers. In that case, this may even worsen your discomfort as the excess fibers feed the bacteria in the small intestine and result in even greater production of bacterial by-products such as gas and bacterial toxins. Therefore, giving the gut a restart may be essential by reducing such bacteria first and before increasing your fiber intake. If you experience severe symptoms, you must seek help from your doctor.

Gut bacteria are beneficial when in the right place

You may have heard that the intestinal flora is essential and that we should have a hefty dose of bacteria in the stomach; actually, it is about the bacteria in the colon. The colon is adapted to handle large amounts of bacteria that can digest dietary fibers. We usually have (and should have) a small number of bacteria in the small intestine. But when too many bacteria, typically found in the large intestine, colonize the small intestine, this can cause discomfort. When bacteria in the small intestine begin to digest dietary fibers, gases, and bacterial breakdown products are formed, which can negatively affect the intestinal mucosa. This can also negatively affect the immune system and nerve cells along the small intestine.

Suppose the bacteria in the small intestine decreases. In that case, the dietary fibers are instead broken down in the large intestine, which is adapted for this in contrast to the small intestine; the intestines can function normally.

The magnolia tree bark in GutClear® also has antimicrobial properties on the fungus (Candida). The presence of Candida in the small intestine can be linked to something called SIFO, which stands for small intestinal fungal overgrowth. SIFO is somewhat reminiscent of SIBO, but one difference is that with SIFO, you can also experience suger craving. Overgrowth of the yeast Candida can be caused, among other things, by poor intestinal motility and acid-neutralizing drugs.

GutClear™ capsule

We have further developed GutClear™, a SIBO supplement previously only available as a powder, now in capsule form. The capsules contain the same ingredients as the powder but are packaged in vegetable capsules of hypromellose. These are suitable for you who prefer capsules instead of drinking GutClear™ powder dissolved in water, which may taste slightly bitter.

For those who have already tried the powder and experienced purging symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea, the capsules may be worth trying as they are much easier to dose by gradually increasing. You can increase from one to three capsules daily at a pace that suits you. The capsules are taken on an empty stomach.

GutClear™ powder

The powder is scooped out of a jar and dissolved in water. It is taken on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast for 10-20 days. The powder has the same content as the capsules, but the recommended daily dose is slightly higher for the powder than with the capsules and therefore the powder can be taken for a shorter time. The powder is suitable for those who have difficulty swallowing capsules and prefer to dissolve GutClear® in water and drink.

Information about GutClear™

  • Product information

    GutClear™ is a SIBO supplement that contains various antimicrobial plant substances and is available in powder and capsule form. 

    GutClear™ consists of jatoba and magnolia tree bark, rose root, and psyllium seeds. Bark from the magnolia tree may contribute to normal bowel function and has antimicrobial effects. With fewer bacteria and fungi in the small intestine, the digestion of dietary fibers is prevented there, which means these fibers can continue to the large intestine. There, the essential bacteria can digest these fibers instead and thereby help you to have a more normal bowel function and regular bowel emptying. Psyllium seeds can support the intestine to function normally and help with bowel movement and digestion. GutClear™ forms a gel-like mass that causes the bioactive and antimicrobial substances to be continuously secreted as they pass through the small intestine. 

    GutClear™ is a patent pending dietary supplement, no. 2151409-6

    GutClear™ is registered with the Patent and Registration Office, no. 616571


  • List of ingredients

    Ingredients: psyllium seeds, bark from the jatoba and magnolia trees and rose root.

    Country of origin: psyllium seeds origin India, bark from the jatoba tree origin Brazil, bark from the magnolia tree origin China and rose root root origin Canada. The manufacture of GutClear™ takes place in Sweden.

    GutClear™ powder

    Number of doses in the jar: 20 doses. 3500 mg per scoop

    One scoop contains powder of:

    1500 mg psyllium seeds (Plantago ovata, India)

    1000 mg bark from the jatoba tree (Hymenaea courbaril, Brazil)

    500 mg bark from the magnolia tree (Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E.H.W, China)

    500 mg root of rose root (Rhodiola rosaea, Canada)

    GutClear™ capsule

    Number of doses per package: 60 capsules of 800 mg per capsule

    One capsule contains powder of:

    340 mg psyllium seeds (Plantago ovata, India)

    230 mg bark from the jatoba tree (Hymenaea courbaril, Brazil)

    115 mg bark from the mangolia tree (Magnolia officialis Rehder & E.H.W, China)

    115 mg of rose root (Rhodiola rosaea, Canada)

  • Side effects

    After taking GutClear™ in powder form, lighter sensations from the stomach can sometimes be experienced, which can be relieved by a sip of coffee, tea or juice. With both powders and capsules, you may experience increased gas, which can be seen as a receipt that the dietary fibers have arrived in the large intestine, where these fibers belong and can be properly digested. After the first dose, you may experience temporary cleansing symptoms such as fatigue and/or headache, which is normal and related to the antimicrobial effect. In these cases it is good to take a break for 1-2 days and then start with the powder as usual again. If you take the capsules, start with 1 capsule again after the break, and then increase to 3 capsules daily.

  • Caution / contraindications

    • In case of hypersensitivity to psyllium seeds (Plantago ovata), GutClear™ should not be taken.
    • The magnolia bark in GutClear™ contains magnolol and honokiol, which in animal experiments have been shown to increase the tendency to bleed at doses of 10 mg/kg body weight for magnolol and 0.5 mg/kg for honokiol. For a person weighing 80 kg, this means that 800 mg of magnolol and 40 mg of honokiol could increase the tendency to bleed. Three capsules of GutClear™ contain a maximum of 35 mg of magnolol and 17 mg of honokiol and one scoop GutClear™ contains a maximum of 50 mg of magnolol and 25 mg of honokiol, i.e. amounts below the described levels that could potentially increase the tendency to bleed. For blood thinning treatment, however, consult a doctor.
    • GutClear™ cannot be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
    • GutClear™ cannot be taken if the colon has been removed.
    • GutClear™ is not recommended for children.
    • Intake of lactic acid products (sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, kefir, etc.), or food supplements containing lactic acid bacteria at the same time as GutClear™ can lead to reduced effectiveness. Lactic acid products or food supplements containing lactic acid bacteria, on the other hand, can be advantageously taken the day after completing a round of GutClear™.

    Storage: Dry at room temperature and inaccessible to children under 12 years of age.

    GutClear™, a dietary supplement for SIBO, does not replace a well-rounded diet.

  • Here’s how / Dosage

    GutClear™ powder

    Dosage: 1 scoop per day is taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Wait at least 20 minutes before eating or drinking after drinking GutClear™. The recommended daily dose of 1 scoop should not be exceeded. After completing the round of 10-20 scoops, GutClear™ can be taken as a single dose if needed.

    How to do it: Empty the scoop into ½ glass of water (approx. 1 dl) and whisk around with a fork until everything is dissolved, which may take a few minutes. Then fill with ½ glass of water, stir and drink immediately. After this, drink another glass of water. GutClear™ powder may have a bitter taste.

    GutClear™ capsule

    Dosage: Take on an empty stomach in the morning with a glass of water, followed by another glass of water. Take 1 capsule the first day, then increase to 2 capsules the second day and from the third day 3 capsules daily. Wait at least 20 minutes before eating or drinking after taking GutClear™. The recommended daily dose of 3 capsules should not be exceeded. Following a completed round of 60 capsules, single doses of 3 capsules 1-2 times per week may be taken or as needed.

  • Responsible manufacturer and contact information

    Gutfeeling Labs AB

    Scheelevägen 2

    223 81 Lund

    For questions about GutClear™, write to

  • Common questions from our costumers

    What should I do to prevent my upset stomach from returning after finishing a package of GutClear™?

    • Try taking a maintenance dose of GutClear™ 1-2 times a week for 5-10 weeks.
    • Try not to eat at least four hours between meals to allow the small intestine to empty itself of food ( avoid snacks).
    • Try drinking ½ glass of water containing 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar about 20 minutes before a meal.
    • Try intermittent fasting, for example skipping breakfast, which can result in a beneficial intestinal emptying and rest between the evening meal and lunch for 14-16 hours).
    • Try regular exercise (walking/strolling are good alternatives).
    • Chronic stress negatively affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines. See if you can reduce the stress in your life, for example through mindfulness, relaxation exercises and walks in nature.

    What is the difference between GutClear™ powder and GutClear™ capsules?

    In GutClear™ capsules, we have encapsulated GutClear™ powder to make it easier to take if you think the powder tastes bitter or prefer to take dietary supplements in capsule form. The capsules contain the same ingredients but in a slightly smaller amount, which is why we recommend taking the capsules for a slightly longer period. If you have already tried the powder but experience purging symptoms such as nausea, this may be due to high bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. If you have difficulty completing the round with the powder, you can instead try the capsules and increase the dose slowly.

    The capsules dissolve at the beginning of the small intestine, while the powder has its full effect already in the stomach.

    The stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori thrives in the stomach and we have seen that the powder can also reduce that bacterium. Helicobacter pylori is a very common bacteria that can cause discomforts for some people.

    The choice of powder/capsules - when should I take what?

    The powder has its effect already in the stomach, then in the duodenum and then all the way from the beginning of the small intestine down to the valve connecting the small intestine to the large intestine. The most optimal approach in SIBO is that the bacteria-cleansing effect starts right at the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract. The powder has this property. However, the powder can taste somewhat bitter ((a sip of coffee, tea or juice immediately after consuming the powder-water mixture often helps). The capsules solve the problem of the bitter taste and open when they have passed into the upper / middle part of the small intestine. A limited effect of capsules can be explained by SIBO bacteria located already at the very beginning of the gastrointestinal tract. If so, then the powder GutClear® is available as an alternative.

    If I have already taken a round of GutClear® and want to continue, how long can I do this?

    If you have taken a round of 10-20 days with GutClear® and experience some persistent issues, we recommend that you continue immediately with a round of 10-20 days, alternatively 1-2 doses per week for 5-10 weeks.

    If several months have passed since I took GutClear®, how should I start again if I feel I need this?

    We suggest a new round of GutClear® for 10-20 days straight, or as 1-2 doses per week for 5-10 weeks.

    Can I take GutClear® as needed to keep SIBO at bay?

    Many people take a dose of GutClear® after a weekend of irregular and frequent meals, alcohol, too little sleep and stress to neutralise unwelcome bacteria in the gut when a new week begins. Others take GutClear® regularly 1-2 times a week to keep SIBO at bay.

    If I suspect that I have had Helicobacter pylori and have taken the powder and want to continue with the maintenance dose, is it okay to switch to the capsules?

    It is perfectly fine to switch to capsules for a maintenance dose if you prefer GutClear™ in capsule form for SIBO.

    How do you know that GutClear™ only removes bacteria in the small intestine and not in the large intestine?

    When we compare results from gut microbiome tests before and after a person has taken GutClear™, we see in most cases that the diversity of bacteria is unchanged and not infrequently we see that the diversity has increased. This is a strong indication that antimicrobials in GutClear™ do not reach the colon.

    Since bacteria in the small intestine “steal” the dietary fibers that would actually benefit bacteria in the large intestine, it can be assumed that when the bacterial level in the small intestine is reduced through GutClear™, more fibers can pass through the small intestine without being digested by bacteria there and instead end up in the large intestine where these bacteria can benefit and grow in number. A "receipt" that increased amounts of dietary fiber have reached the large intestine is that after a few days with GutClear™ you often experience increased gas, which then subsides. This is because an increased access to dietary fiber can temporarily increase gas production by the colon bacteria. The gas decreases when the bacterial population in the large intestine is balanced.

    Does GutClear™ have any side effects?

    If you have had pronounced SIBO for a long time, you may experience flu-like symptoms and nausea the first 1-3 days with GutClear™. It may be due to the release of breakdown products and toxins from large amounts of killed bacteria in the small intestine. It's called the Herxheimer's reaction and does not affect your health. Still, we often recommend taking a break with GutClear™ for 1-2 days before starting again. If you take the capsules, start with 1 capsule again after the break, and then increase to 3 capsules daily.

    ​​I did not notice any effect from GutClear™. What should I do?

    We recommend that you continue to take GutClear™ at the same dose daily for another round of 10-20 days days, alternatively, take 1-2 doses of GutClear™ (powder or capsules) per week for 5-10 weeks.

    How should I eat while taking GutClear™?

    Eat as you usually do. But avoid food that contains lactic acid bacteria (fermented food, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir). The extra bacteria can reduce the effect of GutClear™ on the bacteria that have colonized the small intestine (SIBO). 

    How do I maintain the effect of GutClear™?

    It's about preventing new colonization (overgrowth) of bacteria in the small intestine. You can do this by taking a dose of GutClear™ as needed when you feel discomfort in your stomach. It is also important to keep bowel activity going, for example, by avoiding chronic stress, as this may inhibit bowel movements. Try to find something that gives you recovery, such as walking, mindfulness, yoga, and - if possible - avoiding chronic stress.

    Chronic stress affects and inhibits the body's longest nerve, the vagus nerve. Whose nerve endings enter the intestinal wall and stimulate intestinal peristalsis (bowel movements) and digestion. Stress can also cause the valve between the large and the small intestine to not function optimally, i.e., not keeping tight. The critical task of the valve is to prevent bacteria from migrating from the large intestine to the small intestine and, thus, the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

    I notice a little difference but not quite enough. What should I do?

    We recommend that you continue to take GutClear™ at the same dose daily for another round of 10-20 days, alternatively 1-2 doses of GutClear™ (powder or capsules) per week for 5-10 weeks.

    Why do you get an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine?

    Stress is a natural part of our lives and is a function that can mobilize energy for special needs. However, chronic stress can, among other things, lead to an imbalanced stomach with increased levels of bacteria in the small intestine. Digestion of dietary fiber usually takes place in the large intestine, which is adapted to handle large amounts of bacteria. Significantly, the large intestine has two mucus layers, unlike the small intestine, which has only one. The deeper mucus layer in the colon is a powerful barrier against bacteria. This inner layer allows the large intestine to handle large amounts of bacteria without negatively affecting the intestinal mucosa or entering the bloodstream.

    When a lot of bacteria digest dietary fibers in the small intestine, this can lead to an affected intestinal function with a tense and sore stomach between meals. It may also negatively impact the intestinal mucosa's immune and nervous systems via endotoxins and metabolic by-products.

    In English-language literature, this overgrowth is called "small intestinal bacterial overgrowth" and is abbreviated SIBO. SIBO is not a diagnosis per se, but an abbreviation often used to describe this overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

    What can it mean to have too many bacteria in the small intestine?

    The small intestine is not made to handle high amounts of bacteria. Suppose there are too many bacteria in the small intestine. In that case, the digestion of fibers from the diet occurs there. It results in unfavorable gas production and other bacterial byproducts that can irritate the small intestinal mucosa. This negatively affects the nervous system and the immune system along the small intestine. 

    Why should one have 100 million times fewer bacteria in the small intestine than in the large intestine?

    The small intestine is sometimes called "the little brain" because of the large number of nerve cells located along the small intestine wall. A large part of the body's immune system is also located along the permeable mucosa (lining) of the small intestine. By-products from the metabolism of bacteria can damage the mucosa of the small intestine and make it even more permeable (leaky gut), thereby negatively affecting the nerve and immune cells in the small intestine wall. Often, an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine affects the functioning of the small intestine. It may lead to the inability to process, for example, bread, milk products, eggs, and fish. 

    Should you increase your dietary fiber intake if your stomach is sore and bloated between meals?

    If you suffer from SIBO, increased dietary fiber intake can provide additional nutrition to the bacteria and produce even more gas and bacterial byproducts, worsening the discomfort you already have.

    How can GutClear™ help me?

    In GutClear™, the bioactive and antimicrobial substances are mixed with psyllium seeds that form a jelly-like mass from which these antimicrobial substances can be continuously secreted as it passes through the small intestine. By reducing the level of bacteria in the small intestine, bacterial digestion of dietary fiber can be prevented from occurring there and instead take place in the large intestine which, unlike the small intestine, is adapted for this bacterial breakdown process.

    Can I take GutClear™ if I have had gastric bypass?

    Yes, but take a lower dose, 1-2 capsules or half a scoop of powder per day.


  • Scientific references

    We think it's important that you are informed of the scientific work supporting our statements. Here you will find scientific references that support our claims.

    References on the gastrointestinal system:

    1. Wang, Shao-Xuan and Wu, Wan-Chun. ”Effects of psychological stress on small intestinal motility and bacteria and mucosa in mice.” World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11(13):2016-2021. doi:10.3748/wjg.v11.i13.2016
    2. Chander Roland, Bani et al. “A Prospective Evaluation of Ileocecal Valve Dysfunction and Intestinal Motility Derangements in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.” Digestive diseases and sciences 62,12 (2017): 3525-3535. doi:10.1007/s10620-017-4726-4
    3. Jacobs, C et al. “Dysmotility and proton pump inhibitor use are independent risk factors for small intestinal bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth.” Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 37,11 (2013): 1103-11. doi:10.1111/apt.12304
    4. Rubin, M R et al. “Effect of bethanechol or vagal nerve stimulation on ileocecal sphincter pressure in the cat.” Gastroenterology vol. 80,5 pt 1 (1981): 974-9.
    5. Borch K, et al. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 2000 Jul; 45(7):1322

    References on dosage and intake of magnolia bark:

    1. Sarrica, Andrea et al. “Safety and Toxicology of Magnolol and Honokiol.” Planta medica vol. 84,16 (2018): 1151-1164. doi:10.1055/a-0642-1966
    2. Poivre, Mélanie, and Pierre Duez. “Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents.” Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B 18,3 (2017): 194-214. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1600299

    REGULATION (EC) No 1924/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 December 2006 concerning health claims made on foods. 
    Until the European Commission has decided on the approval or non-approval of health claims, companies are allowed to use these claims if there is scientific support for them. 

    A. Health claims of Magnolia officinalis Rehder (condition dosage: 200-800 mg / day; GutClear™ contains 345 mg with the dose from the capsules and 500 mg from the sachet):

    • Supports the function of intestinal tract. 

    • Helps maintaining gut regularity 
    • Contributes to the normal function of the intestinal tract 

    Scientific support regarding the contribution by Magnolia officialis Rehder to normal intestinal function and regular bowel movements:
    1. Tian, H., Zhao, L., Zhang, Q. et al. The Therapeutic Effects of Magnolia Officinalis Extraction on an Antibiotics-Induced Intestinal Dysbacteriosis in Mice. Curr Microbiol 77, 2413–2421 (2020). Animal study that showed that bark from Magnolia officinalis Rehder could normalize dysbiosis (unbalanced intestinal flora profile) after antibiotic treatment. 

    2. Ho KY, Tsai CC, Chen CP, Huang JS, Lin CC. Antimicrobial activity of honokiol and magnolol isolated from Magnolia officinalis. Phytother Res. 2001 Mar;15(2):139-41. doi: 10.1002/ptr.736. PMID: 11268114. Magnolia has antimicrobial properties 

    3. Niu L, Hou Y, Jiang M, Bai G. The rich pharmacological activities of Magnolia officinalis and secondary effects based on significant intestinal contributions. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Dec 5;281:114524. Magnolia officinalis Rehder relieves a variety of symptoms, but especially abdominal pain and flatulence (tension / gas) and also has a good effect on functional digestive diseases (disorders of the intestine that make the gastrointestinal tract unable to work and move properly). Magnolia officinalis Rehder and its main ingredients can also regulate the production of hormones from the intestinal wall and positively affect the metabolism, protect the intestinal barrier and positively affect the intestinal microbiota (intestinal flora). These mechanisms are considered to be effective in ameliorating local discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. 

    4. Du E, Fan Q, Zhao N, Zhang W, Wei J, Chen F, Huang S, Guo W. Supplemental magnolol improves the antioxidant capacity and intestinal health of broiler chickens. Anim Sci J. 2021 Dec;92(1):e13665. Magnolol from Magnolia officinalis Reher has been shown in animal experiments to promote antioxidant mechanisms and intestinal health. 
    5. Oh S, Gadde UD, Bravo D, Lillehoj EP, Lillehoj HS. Growth-Promoting and Antioxidant Effects of Magnolia Bark Extract in Chickens Uninfected or Co-Infected with Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria maxima as an Experimental Model of Necrotic Enteritis. Curr Dev Nutr. 2018 Jan 30;2(4):nzy009. Dietary supplements with bark extract from Magnolia officinalis Rehder were shown to increase growth in animals infected with the disease-causing bacterium Clostridium perfringens (a potentially deadly bacterium). 
    6. Chen F, Zhang H, Du E, Fan Q, Zhao N, Jin F, Zhang W, Guo W, Huang S, Wei J. Supplemental magnolol or honokiol attenuates adverse effects in broilers infected with Salmonella pullorum by modulating mucosal gene expression and the gut microbiota. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2021 Aug 9;12(1):87. Extracts from Magnolia officinalis Rehder exert anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial activities against the disease-causing bacteria Salmonella pullorum in animal experiments. 
    7. Zhao L, Xiao HT, Mu HX, Huang T, Lin ZS, Zhong LLD, Zeng GZ, Fan BM, Lin CY, Bian ZX. Magnolol, a Natural Polyphenol, Attenuates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in Mice. Molecules. 2017 Jul 20;22(7):1218. Magnolol from Magnolia officinalis Rehder exerts an anti-inflammatory effect in colitis in animal tests, the underlying mechanisms being linked to the restoration of tryptophan metabolites which have an inhibitory effect on colitis. 
    9. Xie Q, Li H, Ma R, Ren M, Li Y, Li J, Chen H, Chen Z, Gong D, Wang J. Effect of Coptis chinensis franch and Magnolia officinalis on intestinal flora and intestinal barrier in a TNBS-induced ulcerative colitis rats model. Phytomedicine. 2022 Jan 5;97:153927. The levels of probiotic bacteria such as Akkermansia and Blautia increased in a product containing Coptic chinensis and Magnolia officialis. The probiotic bacteria Allobaculum and Alloprevotella increased only in the Magnolia officialis group. In addition, Coptic chinensis and Magnolia officialis were also shown to inhibit the inflammatory response of this animal model of Ulcerative Colitis and to increase the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. 
    10. Chan SS, Zhao M, Lao L, Fong HH, Che CT. Magnolol and honokiol account for the anti- spasmodic effect of Magnolia officinalis in isolated guinea pig ileum. Planta Med. 2008 Mar;74(4):381- 4. This animal experiment showed that extracts from Magnolia officinalis have an antispasmodic effect in isolated small intestine (ileum). This is relevant, for example, in IBS. 
    11. Jeong SI, Kim YS, Lee MY, Kang JK, Lee S, Choi BK, Jung KY. Regulation of contractile activity by magnolol in the rat isolated gastrointestinal tracts. Pharmacol Res. 2009 Mar;59(3):183-8. The substance magnolol, derived from Magnolia officinalis Rehder, had a positive effect on the intestinal peristalsis of the small intestine (jejunum and ileum) and this mechanism was mediated in part by activating receptors for acetylcholine and serotonin. 
    12. Park Inkyung, Oh Sungtaek, Lillehoj Erik. P., Lillehoj Hyun S., Dietary Supplementation With Magnolia Bark Extract Alters Chicken Intestinal Metabolite Levels, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol 7, p. 157 (2020). Animal study showing that bark from Magnolia officinalis Rehder can replace classic antibiotics for growth-promoting purposes in veterinary medicine. 
    13. Poivre M, Duez P. Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia offici- nalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2017 Mar.;18(3):194-214. The bark from Magnolia officinalis Rehder has traditionally been used for the treatment of e.g. anxiety, asthma, depression, gastrointestinal disorders and headaches. A number of pharmacological activities have been reported for Magnolia officinalis Rehder in particular antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antispasmodic effects. This review of articles confirms in vitro and in vivo studies and indicates a number of beneficial properties of Magnolia officinalis Rehder as well as its use, pharmacology and safety. 
    14. Sarrica A, Kirika N, Romeo M, Salmona M, Diomede L. Safety and Toxicology of Magnolol and Honokiol. Planta Med. 2018 Nov;84(16):1151-1164. In recent years, various food safety authorities have evaluated magnolol and honokiol from Magnolia officinalis Rehder and considered them safe. 
    15. Li N, Song Y, Zhang W, Wang W, Chen J, Wong AW, Roberts A. Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of magnolia bark extract. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007 Dec;49(3):154-9. These in vitro results show that bark extract from Magnolia officinalis Rehder is not genotoxic (i.e. do not affect the genome) and supports the safety of bark extract from Magnolia officinalis Rehder for consumption. 
    16. Liu Z, Zhang X, Cui W, Zhang X, Li N, Chen J, Wong AW, Roberts A. Evaluation of short-term and subchronic toxicity of magnolia bark extract in rats. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007 Dec;49(3):160-71. These results support the safety of bark extracts from Magnolia officinalis Rehder for oral consumption. 
    17. Sun, L., Liao, K., & Wang, D. (2015). Effects of magnolol and honokiol on adhesion, yeast-hyphal transition, and formation of biofilm by Candida albicans. PloS one, 10(2), e0117695. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    18. Xie, Y., Hua, H., & Zhou, P. (2022). Magnolol as a potent antifungal agent inhibits Candida albicansvirulence factors via the PKC and Cek1 MAPK signaling pathways. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12, 935322. Magnolia officinalis Rehder  has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    19. Noites, A., Araújo, B., Machado, J., & Pinto, E. (2022). Antifungal Potential of Some Herb Decoctions and Essential Oils on CandidaSpecies. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(10), 1820. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    20. Sun, L., & Liao, K. (2020). The Effect of Honokiol on Ergosterol Biosynthesis and Vacuole Function in Candida albicans. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 30(12), 1835–1842. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    21. Liao, K., & Sun, L. (2018). Roles of the Hsp90-Calcineurin Pathway in the Antifungal Activity of Honokiol. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 28(7), 1086–1093. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    22. Bang, K. H., Kim, Y. K., Min, B. S., Na, M. K., Rhee, Y. H., Lee, J. P., & Bae, K. H. (2000). Antifungal activity of magnolol and honokiol. Archives of pharmacal research, 23(1), 46–49. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    23. Sun, L., Liao, K., & Wang, D. (2017). Honokiol induces superoxide production by targeting mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I in Candida albicans. PloS one, 12(8), e0184003. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Candida.
    24. Bae, E. A., Han, M. J., Kim, N. J., & Kim, D. H. (1998). Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of herbal medicines. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, 21(9), 990–992. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Helicobacter pylori.
    25. Li, Y., Xu, C., Zhang, Q., Liu, J. Y., & Tan, R. X. (2005). In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori action of 30 Chinese herbal medicines used to treat ulcer diseases. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 98(3), 329–333. Magnolia officinalis Rehder has antimicrobial effects against Helicobacter pylori.

    B. Health claims for Plantago ovata, also called Husk and Ispaghula (condition dosage: 0.5-20 g / day, where GutClear™ contains 1.36 g with dose from the capsules and 1.5 g from the sachet):

    • Contributes to intestinal transit and intestinal function
    • Helps to maintain a healthy bowel and facilitate intestinal transit. 

    • Facilitates digestion

    Scientific support for the contribution of Plantago ovata to normal bowel function, intestinal passage and digestion:
1. Shah BR, Li B, Al Sabbah H, Xu W, Mráz J. Effects of prebiotic dietary fibers and probiotics on human health: With special focus on recent advancement in their encapsulated formulations. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2020 Aug;102:178-192. These findings suggest that Plantago ovata may protect the intestinal mucosa, investigated by studying the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and its penetration into intestinal epithelial cells 

    2. Jalanka J, Major G, Murray K, Singh G, Nowak A, Kurtz C, Silos-Santiago I, Johnston JM, de Vos WM, Spiller R. The Effect of Psyllium Husk on Intestinal Microbiota in Consti- pated Patients and Healthy Controls. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 20;20(2):433. After ingestion of Psyllium ovata, a significant increase was found in three genera of bacteria known to produce butyric acid (Lachnospira, Roseburia and Faecalibacterium) and that the presence of these correlated with increased fecal water content and less constipation. In summary, psyllium supplements increased the water content of the stool, which was associated with increased levels of "favorable" bacteria and that this was most marked in patients with constipation. 

    3. Marteau P, Flourié B, Cherbut C, Corrèze JL, Pellier P, Seylaz J, Rambaud JC. Digestibility and bulking effect of ispaghula husks in healthy humans. Gut. 1994 Dec;35(12):1747-52. doi: 10.1136/gut.35.12.1747. PMID: 7829013; PMCID: PMC1375264. Concentrations of "beneficial" short-chain fatty acids (butyric acid, propionic acid and acetic acid) increased after ingestion of Psyllium ovata. In summary, Psyllium ovata is more resistant to fermentation than previously reported in humans. Its bulk effect was therefore largely due to undigested (non-fermented) material that could pass through the intestinal tract. 
4. Elli M, Cattivelli D, Soldi S, Bonatti M, Morelli L. Evaluation of prebiotic potential of refined psyllium (Plantago ovata) fiber in healthy women. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Sep;42 Suppl 3 Pt 2:S174- 6. Psyllium husks can be metabolized by Bifidobacteria with the potential to increase these beneficial bacteria in people who have low levels of these. 

    5. Yakoob J, Jafri W, Mehmood MH, Abbas Z, Tariq K. Cytokine changes in gastric and colonic epithelial cell in response to Planta ovata extract. J Complement Integr Med. 2017 Mar 21;14(2):/j/jcim.2017.14.issue-2/jcim-2015-0075/jcim-2015-0075.xml. Plantago ovata extract had an anti-inflammatory effect on cell lines from the colon mucosa affected by disease-causing Helicobacter pylori and E. coli bacteria. 
    6. Gunn D, Abbas Z, Harris HC, Major G, Hoad C, Gowland P, Marciani L, Gill SK, Warren FJ, Rossi M, Remes-Troche JM, Whelan K, Spiller RC. Psyllium reduces inulin-induced colonic gas production in IBS: MRI and in vitrofermentation studies. Gut. 2021 Aug 5:gutjnl-2021-324784. This study showed that co-administration of psyllium with inulin reduced gas production in IBS. 
    7. Cabré E. Irritable bowel syndrome: can nutrient manipulation help? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 Sep;13(5):581-7. The concept that increased fiber intake could alleviate IBS is not true for all patients. Hydrophilic colloids (e.g. psyllium) are therefore preferred. 
    8. Ashraf W, Park F, Lof J, Quigley EM. Effects of psyllium therapy on stool characteristics, colon transit and anorectal function in chronic idiopathic constipation. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9: 639– 47. Psyllium increases the frequency of bowel movements and improves the consistency of the stool in cases of constipation by unknown cause (idiopathic). The beneficial effects of psyllium on constipation are mainly considered to be related to a facilitation of the bowel process itself (defecation). 
    9. El-Salhy M, Ystad SO, Mazzawi T, Gundersen D. Dietary fiber in irritable bowel syndrome (Review). Int J Mol Med. 2017 Sep;40(3):607-613. doi: 10.3892/i- jmm.2017.3072. Epub 2017 Jul 19. PMID: 28731144; PMCID: PMC5548066. Fiber supplements, especially Psyllium ovata, are both safe and effective in improving IBS symptoms. 
    10. Bijkerk CJ, de Wit NJ, Muris JW, Whorwell PJ, Knottnerus JA, Hoes AW. Soluble or insoluble fibre in irritable bowel syndrome in primary care? Randomised placebo controlled trial. BMJ. 2009 Aug 27;339:b3154. Psyllium ovata offers benefits for patients with irritable bowel syndrome in primary care. 
    11. Bijkerk CJ, Muris JW, Knottnerus JA, Hoes AW, de Wit NJ. Systematic review: the role of different types of fibre in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment Pharma- col Ther. 2004 Feb 1;19(3):245-51. Psyllium ovata showed significantly improved conditions in people with IBS, while insoluble fibers (maize, wheat bran) in some cases worsened the clinical result.
    12. Eswaran, Shanti MD; Muir, Jane PhD2; Chey, William D MD, AGAF, FACG, FACP1Fiber and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, American Journal of Gastroenterology: May 2013 - Volume 108 - Issue 5 - p 718-727. When fiber is recommended for functional bowel disease (IBS), the use of a soluble supplement such as Psyllium ovata is best supported by current research results. 
    13. Halmos EP. When the low FODMAP diet does not work. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Mar;32 Suppl 1:69-72. If low FODMAP is not effective, patients can benefit from psyllium, which has an exceptional water holding capacity and can provide a normalized stool consistency. 
    14. Bliss DZ, Jung HJ, Savik K et al.Supplementation with dietary fiber improves fecal incontinence. Nurs. Res. 2001; 50: 203–213. An example of a therapy that focuses on normalizing stool consistency and reducing stool frequency with the use of the fiber supplement Psyllium ovata. 
    15. Prior A, Whorwell PJ. Double blind study of ispaghula in irritable bowel syndrome. Gut. 1987 Nov;28(11):1510-3. doi: 10.1136/gut.28.11.1510. PMID: 3322956; PMCID: PMC1433676. Ispaghula (Psyllium oavata) significantly improves the overall well-being of patients with IBS especially in those people who also have constipation, where bowel habits and transit time are positively affected. 
    16. Yang C, Liu S, Li H, Bai X, Shan S, Gao P, Dong X. The effects of psyllium husk on gut microbiota composition and function in chronically constipated women of reproductive age using 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Jun 3;13(11):15366-15383. doi: 10.18632/aging.203095. Epub 2021 Jun 3. PMID: 34081625; PMCID: PMC8221300. These findings suggest that the composition of the intestinal microbiota changed and that symptoms of constipation were relieved by ingestion of Psyllium ovata. 

GutClear™ - for a tender and bloated stomach


For those with a sore and bloated stomach, we recommend that you take GutClear™ before doing a gut microbiome test. A common cause of these problems is that you have bacteria in the wrong place, in the small intestine, also called SIBO and stands for "small intestinal bacterial overgrowth". An increased intake of fiber-rich food can even worsen these problems. GutClear™ can help you reduce bacteria in the small intestine and give your beneficial gut bacteria in the colon a fresh start.

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