Our gut testing kit is the perfect combination for your stomach

GutKit suits those who want to get control of a sore and tense stomach and who want to know how you can improve your gut health. Choose our gut microbiome testing kit and get both GutClear™ and a gut microbiome test.

GutKit contains both our dietary supplement GutClear™, which can give the gut a restart, and our gut microbiome test with customized dietary advice based on your own intestinal flora profile.

Pick your combination
Regular price 1 680 SEK Sale price 1 490 kr 1 490 kr
including VAT.

International delivery to your mailbox 5-10 working days after ordering

A gut testing kit for you who want to take a comprehensive approach to your gut health

Many people with gut problems feel lost and have often tested various products and diets without results. We usually say that change always starts with knowing.

For those of you with a sore and tender stomach, we recommend taking our dietary supplement GutClear™ first in order to reduce the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO). This and the dietary advice you get via the subsequent gut microbiome test will benefit your bacteria in the large intestine (colon) instead.

With SIBO, adding dietary fibers can actually increase your gut discomfort. With our gut testing kit, which includes GutClear™ followed by dietary advice based on a gut microbiome test you take two easy steps towards gut health.

Better conditions for a correct gut microbiome test

When we talk about the intestinal flora being important and about the fact it is beneficial to have a large dose of bacteria in your gut, we mean the bacteria in the large intestine, not the small intestine.

Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, also called SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), is seen when too many bacteria (that should normally be located only in the large intestine) colonize the small intestine. Gases and bacterial by-products such as toxins in the small gut can damage the mucosa and even negatively affect the immune system and nerve cells along the small intestinal wall. A distended and tender stomach are two common manifestations of SIBO, but generalized pain, nausea, gas, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea can also occur.

Reducing overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine followed by a gut microbiome test can give you a “compass direction” for dietary advice that is beneficial for your intestinal flora in the large intestine.

Feed the right bacteria

The gut microbiome test identifies all the bacteria found in the intestinal system, also any unwelcome bacteria in the small intestine. The gut microbiome test can therefore not determine whether the bacteria are located in the large intestine or the small intestine (SIBO).

The dietary advice that you receive in connection with a gut microbiome are based on the profile of your entire intestinal flora (bacteria in the colon and small intestine). Thus, dietary advice can favor the overgrowth of any unwelcome bacteria in the small intestine, which is undesirable, as this can even increase your gut problems.

This is why we recommend our gut testing kit where you take GutClear™ before you take the gut microbiome test. With few bacteria in the small intestine after GutClear™, the bacteria in the large intestine will benefit from the dietary advice and not the bacteria in the small intestine.

Prioritize your health

GutKit - GutClear™ and gut microbiome testing

Take a holistic approach to gut health with GutClear™ and the gut microbiome test. An increased intake of fiber-rich food can often aggravate an upset stomach. Therefore, we recommend you start by taking GutClear™ to reduce the irritating intestinal bacteria in the small intestine and receive more relevant and valuable dietary advice based on the gut flora profile after GutClear™.

Regular price 1 680 SEK Sale price 1 490 kr 1 490 kr
including VAT.

International delivery to your mailbox 5-10 working days after ordering

Information about GutKit

  • Product information

    Gutkit contains both our dietary supplement GutClear™, which can give the gut a restart, and our gut microbiome test with customized dietary advice based on your own intestinal flora profile.


    GutClear™ capsule consists of bark from the jatoba and magnolia trees, rose root, and psyllium seeds.

    Learn more about GutClear™

    The gut microbiome test

    The gut microbiome test is a simple stool test that you take at home and send to us by post. With the test, you will get to know relevant groups of gut bacteria and their quantity. You will also receive advice on diet and food supplements that may increase the bacteria that produce health-promoting substances and reduce those that may be associated with discomfort.

    Learn more about the gut microbiome test


  • Includes

    GutClear™ capsule

    Number of doses per package: 60 capsules of 800 mg per capsule

    One capsule contains powder of:

    340 mg psyllium seeds (Plantago ovata, India)

    230 mg bark from the jatoba tree (Hymenaea courbaril, Brazil)

    115 mg bark from the mangolia tree (Magnolia officialis Rehder & E.H.W, China)

    115 mg of rose root (Rhodiola rosaea, Canada)

    Ingredients: psyllium seeds, bark from the jatoba and magnolia tree and rose root.

    The gut microbiome test

    The gut microbiome test kit contains:

    • Clear instructions on how to perform the test and submit it to us
    • Pre-stamped reply envelope
    • Test tube
    • Flushable sheet of paper that is placed in the toilet seat and facilitates sampling
  • Here’s how and dosage


    After using GutClear® you'll take the sample for the analysis after the last capsule.

    GutClear™ capsule

    Dosage: Take on an empty stomach in the morning with a glass of water, followed by another glass of water. Take 1 capsule the first day, then increase to 2 capsules the second day and from the third day 3 capsules daily. Wait at least 20 minutes before eating or drinking after taking GutClear™. The recommended daily dose of 3 capsules should not be exceeded. Following a completed round of 60 capsules, single doses of 3 capsules 1-2 times per week may be taken or as needed.

    The gut microbiome test

    1. You order the kit here on our website.
    2. Take the gut microbiome test the day after the last capssule of GutClear™.
    3. Return the test tube in the stamped response envelope.
    4. The analysis of your sample takes 1-3 weeks.
    5. When your sample has been analyzed, you will receive an email from us. You can then log in to "My pages" to see the results via mygutfeelinglabs.se. Together with the analysis results you will receive scientifically based information about diet and nutritional supplements that may help you to positively influence your intestinal flora.


  • Common questions

    When can I do my gut microbiome test after a round with GutClear™?

    We recommend that you do your gut microbiome test one day after the last dose of GutClear™.

    Why should I take GutClear™ before an analysis?

    A gut microbiome test provides answers to which bacteria are present in the entire intestinal system, including any unwelcome bacteria in the small intestine. This means that dietary advice based on the profile of the intestinal flora can also benefit the bacteria that have colonized the small intestine. The reason we recommend a gut microbiome test after GutClear™ is to minimize the risk of feeding unfavorable bacteria in the small intestine. In other words, it is the bacteria in the large intestine that should benefit from the dietary advice and not bacteria in the small intestine.

    What happens if I do the test before taking GutClear™?

    If you are curious about the effect of GutClear™ on your intestinal flora, it is perfectly possible to do an analysis before you start a round of GutClear™, but this should preferably be followed up with a new gut microbiome test to provide an optimal starting point as possible for dietary advice.

    I notice a small difference but not quite enough, what should I do?

    We recommend that you continue to take GutClear™ at the same dose for another 10 days or to take 1-2 doses of GutClear™ per week for 5-10 weeks.